Hi! My name is Madison and I go to Enrich on a Monday. At Enrich we have 4 Domains. They are: Conceptual Development, Mental Edge, Talent Development and Personal Development. These things help us learn and find out more things about us. Something I like about Enrich is that there's Passion Time. Passion Time is when you get a time to work on your Passion. My Passion is art and since there are lots of art things at Enrich, I get lots out of it.
Thursday, 6 December 2012
Passion time
Thursday, 29 November 2012
Eyeball Dissection
At Enrich some people went with Darryn and dissected a pigs eye. Some people went away because they thought it was gross. I didn't. I thought it was interesting exploring a pigs eye. First Darryn put the pigs eye under the dinoscope and we had a look at it. I learnt something new and that was that there is fat around eyeballs. Darryn wrapped and eyeball in a piece of glad wrap and passed it around so everyone could feel it. When Darryn cut the eye open lots of liquidy stuff called vitreous humour came swimming out. In that was a clear circle called aqueous humour. Someone picked up the bit of aqueous humuor and put it on a glue stick and made the words look bigger. None of the eyes made me fell sick.
Thursday, 15 November 2012
Week 5 at Enrich.

Thursday, 1 November 2012
My Fun Day at Enrich
This morning we didn't start off with chess instead we started off with a Wilson game. How to play: Everyone stands in a circle and five people are holding either an red beanbaggy thing a different shaped red bean baggy thing, a blue beanbaggy thing, a different shaped blue bean baggy thing and a ball. You have to get all of the things before you sit down. You have to pass the things to everyone except the people right beside you. You have to get the bean baggy things in a pattern. You can get the ball anytime. When everybody is down then the people with the bean bag things and the ball put the thing that is in their hands in the middle of the circle and you've finished. Then we had passion time. I started finishing my painting that I started last week but I didn't like it so I threw it out and started a mozaic. I'm doing a big red and blue heart. After morning tea we did chess. I played Rhea. Nobody won because Rhea didn't want to play anymore. We had to do our must dos and picks. I did charcoal landscapes. It was so fun. After blogging we're doing must dos must dos and picks. then home.
Thursday, 25 October 2012
Then we had morning tea. After morning tea we did must dos and picks. There was a really fun pick that we could do. Go to this website if you want to see what it is.
Then we had lunch. After doing our blog we're going to talk about what we have to do to finish our environment project. Then it's hometime.
Thursday, 18 October 2012
The smelly day at Enrich!!
Hi! Today at Enrich we worked on our environment projects. My group had to clean the alleyway. It was HORRIBLE! It stank like rotten eggs because there was actually rotten egg all over a tarpaulin. The reason we did that is because we wanted to make the alleyway nice before we painted it. We then had morning tea. We did a MacGyver challenge. It was so fun. We had to make a gadget that could pull a hammer and a chisel towards you because our feet were stuck in concrete! My groups gadget looked like a pair of chicken legs without feathers. You'd think that would be easy but to me it was hard. We had to make our chicken legs gadget out of; newspaper, four paper clips, three metres of cellotape and some string. One person out of each group would be stuck in some concrete well actually a square on the floor. They then had to use the gadget to get the chisel and the hammer. Then it'll be lunch. We will then have passion time and go home.
The rebuses today are;
Stand up, D
oror 0 and
The rebuses today are;
Stand up, D
oror 0 and
Thursday, 20 September 2012
HI! Today at Enrich I played chess, I played Lucy, then Christina. When I played Lucy I won and when I played Christina nobody won because we didn't get to finish. For passion time me and Lucy printed off gluten free recipes. We needed all the ingredients so we wrote them down, so we can get them. Then it was morning tea. After that Katie read out a little piece of writing about being green. We got split up into three groups. I went with Darryn. We talked about what pollution is, and we told the teacher if we pollute or not and told them why. We had a game of Piccadilly Circus. We bet the record which was 38 seconds. Then it was lunch. Now we're doing our blog post. We're going to work on our environment projects. Lucy's Nana is coming in. Then its home time.
Thursday, 13 September 2012
Custom Glitter Text

Hi! Today we did chess - like always. I played Lucy - I won. I then played Emma - she won. After chess we worked on our environment projects. My group needs an artist to come in to help us with our mural. It was then morning tea time. After morning tea we watched a little clip about the top ten most air polluted cites. I was wondering why people have to live like that if they don't clean up. After lunch we played Piccadilly Circus. You stand in a circle and you have to pass a ball around. You can't pass to the person directly beside you. You cannot throw the ball, or drop the ball, and NO TALKING!! Once you had given the ball to another person, you sat down in their place. Our best time with 1 ball was 1.06min. Now we're doing our blog. Next we're doing passion time. Lucy and I are looking up gluten-free recipes for next week.
Thursday, 6 September 2012
Hi!! Today we started off with a game of chess like always. I played Norton and sort of Lucy until she kicked over the board. All the groups for the environment project tried to get lots of things done. Both of the mural groups had to send something to the ILT so we can get permission to paint the building. Well - some certain walls. The mural group that's doing the alleyway went and used handy towels to wipe chalk off the walls. Then it was morning tea time. After morning tea we did some things about the environment but this time we watched a little clip about pollution. In the clip there was some children trying to get clean water out of a really dirty lake/the sea. Then we played Bullseye again. We played it normally but you were allowed to throw the bean bags in any hoop. Then right before we went to lunch Katie asked us what we wanted to do for passion time. This week I'm doing painting. We're doing passion time after we finish our blog. Then were solving our rebuses and going home. These are the rebuses: This old one runs forever but never moves at all. He has no lungs nor throat but still a mighty roar. What am I? What english word retains the same pronunciation even when you take away four of its five letters. What is it? A word I know, six letters it contains, remove one letter and twelve remains. What is it? If you know it please post it in comments.
Thursday, 30 August 2012
Hi Madison,
Today you were really engaged in our Fibonacci sequence work. I was impressed with your motivation to understand and complete the tasks, and how you asked if you were not sure of anything. Your spiral shell turned out well in the end! You have come a long way with your contributions to our group work and discussions. I enjoy hearing your thoughts and opinions about the tasks we are working on, keep it up!
Today you were really engaged in our Fibonacci sequence work. I was impressed with your motivation to understand and complete the tasks, and how you asked if you were not sure of anything. Your spiral shell turned out well in the end! You have come a long way with your contributions to our group work and discussions. I enjoy hearing your thoughts and opinions about the tasks we are working on, keep it up!
Hello! Today we started off with chess. Like always. I played one of my best friends called Lucy. I won. We then did our environment projects. My group got up to figuring out what we're painting. Darryn had to help us. Some people went with Katie to Salford School to look at some murals. I heard that they looked awesome. After morning tea we played a Wilson game. Look at the bottom for instructions on how to play. We then did high interest stations. I did Fibonacci numbers with Alana again. We learnt how to use spiral shells in Fibonacci. This is the start of a Fibonacci number sequence: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, then just keep on adding two numbers together. After blogging we're doing creative writing with Darryn or P4C and debating with Alana and Katie. Then it's home time.
Like my screaming baby!:-]
The Wilson game is called Bulls eye. You divide everyone into 2, 3, or 4 groups. You give them 4 bean bags. Set up 3 or 4 hoops for the people to throw them in. The first person[ or people] to throw them in the hoops in order from the closest to the furthest wins.
Like my screaming baby!:-]

Thursday, 23 August 2012
My long day at Enrich.
Today I have been doing some work on Fibonacci with Alana. We learnt how you can use cows and bees in Fibonacci. Next Friday we are looking at how you can use rabbits and snail shells in Fibonacci too. Then we played a Wilson game.
Then it was morning tea.
We then played a Wilson game. The game is called pegasaurus. This is is how you play:
You split everybody into two groups. You put something on one team so everybody knows what team they're in. Then you put three of the same colour pegs on one of the groups then on the other three different colour pegs. The teams get one minute to pull pegs of the other teams backs.
Then I did creative writing with Darryn. The other people did debating with Alana and P4C with Katie.
Now we're doing our blog.After this were doing our environment projects.
Then were going home.
Thursday, 16 August 2012
Hi! Today I have been doing cartooning with Katie. I learnt how to draw a witch using the number 14.That was high interest stations. Then it was morning tea. After morning tea we did creative writing, P4C and Debating. I did creative writing with Darryn. This is what I wrote:
There it was , the hammer went flying towards my brothers hand. I couldn’t stop myself from throwing the hammer. There it was... the disgusting sight of my brothers finger. ‘’ AHHHHHHH’’ Then it struck me, the guilty feeling that strikes you right after you’ve done something wrong. When I opened my eyes the disgusting sight of my brothers finger made me feel sick.
‘’ DAD, Madison hurt me’’ my little brother screamed while he was still crying.
Then I saw a screwdriver flying toward me. It hit me. I felt mad I felt sad. Then I started to cry.
Then it was lunch. Now were doing blog post. Then not long after I'll be getting picked up early!
Thursday, 9 August 2012
Busy day
Hi everybody who are reading my blog. Today we started off by choosing what groups we were going to be in. I'm in a group with 3 other girls: Norton, Meg and Lucy. My group are going to paint a mural outside in the walkway. Then we took a break for chess. Then a lady called Lisa came in. She told us about the environment. Then it was morning tea. We then did high interest stations. I did art again but with 2 of my other friends Lucy and Norton. We did some cartoon pictures using numbers and letters. Someone called Stu Duval, well we looked at his cartoon pictures. That's where we got the cartoon pictures. Now it's lunch. Then we're going to do a Wilson game. Then if you haven't done your blog you'll do it. Then we are either going to do P4C with Jenni, debating with Katie and creative writing with Darryn. Home.
Thursday, 26 July 2012
'Hey!' Today we did something about making the city more colourful. We each [or if you were in a group] got a piece of paper. Then morning tea. Today we had a technology challenge. The challenge was that you had to make a shuttlecock fly out of using tin foil, a little piece of cardboard, some rubber bands and some other things. In my group we made a little slingshot. [The prize is chocolate]. I don't think that my group would win. It's not so stable. One of the other groups gadget worked. BYE!!!
Thursday, 28 June 2012
My day at enrich
Hi! This morning here at enrich was very busy. We did this sheet that is called 10 sentence starters.The sentence starters made us look back at our time at enrich. Over there is mine!!!! Then we played a new Wilson game.Then we had chess.I got bored because I had to wait for awhile to get someone to play. When someone was free it was like morning tea time. The person that I played for a little bit was Norton. At morning tea time I watched Lucy and Ali finish their game of chess. Ali won. Then I went on active inspire.Active inspire is a programme that you can draw, type, and add pictures. If you want to look at my sentence starter click on it.
Wilson Game
First you get into a group of 2,3 or 4. it depends on how many people are playing. You have to have at least 2 or 3 groups of 2,3 or 4. Then you get into a circle with your team. Across from your team is a hoop. When someone claps you have to jump. You have to jump and land at the same time. If you don't do that then you have to back to the start. The whole team has to jump in the hoop at the same time as the rest of the group. If you touch the hoop then you have to start all over again.
Thursday, 7 June 2012
Week 7 at Enrich
I had the most wonderful day today. This morning we started off with some chess. After that we did this art thing. I did tapa cloth because it sounded interesting. After morning tea we tried to finish off our art. After lunch we did passion time. For my passion time I did painting.
Thursday, 17 May 2012
Teacher comment
Madison It was great to see you working so hard on learning all the new skills for keynote last week, your keynote turned out really well. You have also been working hard in photography during talent development and certainly had some fun applying all the new photo editing techniques Katie taught you. Keep up the good work
Thursday, 10 May 2012
My day at enrich
At enrich today my group had a photographer come in to help us to take good photos. We first looked at some of the photos that she had taken.Then she took some photos. She took a bad photo then she took a good photo of the same thing, and compared them to the other photo. When that was finished it was after morning tea time. Between the end of morning tea and the start of lunch we did passion time. Passion time is when people choose what they love to do and do it. I chose clay. I had to start off with a mask.Next passion time I'm going to use a potters wheel to do creations like a vase with clay.
Thursday, 26 April 2012
My learning Wheel
At enrich today I did a learning wheel along with the rest of the kids. On the wheel there are five different sections. Each section has a heading either, I wondered, I felt, I learned, I used and I tried. If you click on the picture it will get bigger and you will be able to read it!
Thursday, 1 March 2012
What I did
I had a game of chess with my friend Meadow. I won the game. At play time I had another game of chess with Meadow, we didn't get to finish it though. We did drama with Darryn. We watched a video clip of people doing drama. Then we did some drama. Then we did blogging with Alana.
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