Thursday, 15 November 2012

Week 5 at Enrich.

Yay! Today was so fun. I was late to Enrich so when I got there everybody was playing chess. After that we had to do our must do's and picks. I went with Katie and some other people and we talked about a hurricane that happened in the USA.  We used De Bono's 6 thinking hats - Benefits, Solutions, Thinking, Problems, Facts, Feelings.  Then it was lunch time. Then we had to do this typing practice thing so that we could improve our speed of typing. I did a exercise for my left hand.  I stayed the same as what I was last week.  After blogging we're going to finish of our must do's and picks and then we're going home.

Thursday, 1 November 2012

My Fun Day at Enrich

This morning we didn't start off with chess instead we started off with a Wilson game. How to play: Everyone stands in a circle and five people are holding either an red beanbaggy thing a different shaped red bean baggy thing, a blue beanbaggy thing, a different shaped blue bean baggy thing and a ball. You have to get all of the things before you sit down. You have to pass the things to everyone except the people right beside you. You have to get the bean baggy things in a pattern. You can get the ball anytime. When everybody is  down then the people with the bean bag things and the ball put the thing that is in their hands in the middle of the circle and you've finished. Then we had passion time. I started finishing my painting that I started last week but I didn't like it so I threw it out and started a mozaic. I'm doing a big red and blue heart. After morning tea we did chess. I played Rhea. Nobody won because Rhea didn't want to play anymore. We had to do our must dos and picks. I did charcoal landscapes. It was so fun. After blogging we're doing must dos must dos and picks. then home.