Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Yay it's finished

Today I presented my gifted study. Leonardo Da Vinci. "YAY!"

At Enrich we had to choose a gifted person and do lots of research on them. We had to include information like when they were born, how they're gifted and a model of giftedness. A model of giftedness is like Renzulli's model of giftedness.
We had to explain how they had creativity, task commitment and above average ability.
It shows how they are gifted.

After morning tea we did talent development/passion time. I helped Norton on the potters wheel.


Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Big Bird Lover

Writing 201
This afternoon I am going to be doing Writing 201. Writing 201 is very advanced writing.

The kids at Enrich are in groups: Writing 201 (with Nicola), Maths/Art (with Darryn) and Science/Chemistry with (Katie/Jenni).

I am looking forward to Writing 201 because I LOVE writing. I like to make up stories and stuff.


'Yay'. I have finally finished my Affective. (My Gifted Person). 

Did you know?

  • Leonardo was a very big bird lover that he bought a  lot of cages of parrots, sparrow etc. so that he could free them.

He was left handed and due to his disability to read and write words properly, many of his good paintings left unfinished.

Can YOU figure out why this blog post is called Big Bird Lover?

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

First time on the Potter's Wheel

When I walked into the door to Enrich, Katie said "Are you excited about the clay today Madison?". And I said "Yes". I had NO idea what she was talking about.

When it was time to do affective, Katie told everyone but the clay kids: Briana, Samantha and I, to start on their Affective. I remembered that Marie (the person that was coming to Enrich to teach the clay kids stuff on the wheel) was coming in.

When we went over to the shed, I was wondering what a potter's wheel looked like. I thought it was a big black like plate on top of a spinning cylinder. But no, it didn't look anything like that.

While Marie was making a bowl, she talked us through it. She told us all the tips and steps.
Of course we all wanted a turn on the wheel first, so Marie made us pull a number out of the hat. I was number three, which meant I had to go last.

When I hopped onto the wheel I had to make it spin flat out and throw the little ball of clay into the middle of the spinning plate shaped thing. After that, I had to make the piece of clay turn into a tall cone. To do this I had to hold my hands together like a tunnel and move them up around the clay slowly. At first I wasn't really good at it but now I've got the hang of that. Next we had to push the clay down until it looks like a ball of clay with an almost flat surface, while the wheel was spinning. It sounds like it's really easy, when really it's not.

After a couple more steps I was up to the fun part, shaping the clay into the shape of a bowl. To do this I had to get a little sponge, hold my right hand on the outside of the clay, and with my other hand on the inside of the clay bowl I pushed the sponge outwards.

I was finally finished. After I'd finished my first one I made a second one.

I like pottering on the Potters Wheel. It's fun.

Tuesday, 29 October 2013

My favourite art: Masking Tape Painting!

 Finally. It was time to do art with Katie. In the last few weeks the whole class at Enrich has been doing Teacher-led workshops. A Teacher-led workshop is when you go to a workshop and get taught by a teacher in a little group. Also, in the last few weeks we have been learning new types of art. Like: drip painting, masking tape painting and impressionist. On the last week of the Teacher-led workshops, Katie gave us the choice of doing a: masking tape painting, drip painting or impressionist painting. Everybody in the art group chose to a masking tape painting because it's so fun.

As you can see, in my picture I have used the four colours: yellow, blue, red and green.

This is my group painting our masking tape paintings.
This is me and my second masking tape painting.

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

My Mask

Hello everybody!

Today for passion time I did clay again. First Darryn gave us a little lesson on how to score two pieces of clay together. You have to score (scratch little marks) on the piece of clay you want to join onto the bigger piece of clay. You also need to score the piece of clay you are attaching it to. After that, we started to make a mask. We made a mask because we can practice scoring.

In the end I thought that my mask looked quite cool. (For someone that hasn't made a mask before).

This is my mask:

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

My Bunny!


Today when we did Passion Time/Talent Development I couldn't think of anything to make with my clay, so I thought and thought and thought. I thought of making some plates. I thought of making a snail then I decided to make a bunny. It was confusing 
to make because I had to
remake the feet like twenty 
times, AND I forgot what a
bunny looked like. 

This is what I want it to look 

Bye, see you next time!

Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Clay time

Hi everybody!
Today was a little different from the rest for two things. 1. I had a half day because I had to go to a choir practice. And you'll have to find out what the other difference is. 

When it was time for Passion time/ Talent Development, when I looked at my lino prints they were finished. So instead of making another lino print I started working with clay. The only thing that I knew how to make was a bowl. With the bowl I made a lid, so you can put things in it and cover it up. I also made a jug. The jug didn't turn out so good though. But I thought that it looked cool for a beginner like me. I haven't made much things with clay so I hadn't had much experience. Here's what the jug and bowl look like:

Bye. See you next time!

Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Ink and Fingerprints...

Hi Everyone! 

Today we had our last rotation with the teachers. The rotations were all about patterns.

Instead of learning about migration we learnt about fingerprints. But first of all here's some information about migration. Migration is when a group of animals or people travel somewhere to look for a better life, safety, land, or food. We have learnt that there is a lot of migration happening up in the Middle East I think. They have been going on boats to Australia. Why would they go to Australia you may ask? Well, that's an easy question to answer, it's because Australia isn't very far away.  

I should start talking about what I did TODAY. Here it is....
We first had to print our fingerprints by using ink. After we had gotten them perfect we got out a dinoscope and looked at our fingerprints. I also looked at my scabs. They didn't look very pretty. And also freckles look a bit disgusting. Look at this picture. 
Doesn't it look a bit disgusting?

And did you know that none of your finger lines on your fingertips are the same. Well, you wouldn't really know though. It's not like somebody's going to go all around the world and look at every single person's fingerprints on their fingertips to see if they're the same. 

Bye, see you next time!

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Chisel Chisel Chisel.

Chisel, chisel, chiseling. Thats right I had to chisel out a lot of my Lino print. The WHOLE THING! Nah, just kidding. But I did have to chisel out a lot of my lino print. All the others were printing their lino print. Which SUCKED! Although it was kind of fun.

I finally got up to printing. I was very far behind from everyone else because I was only up to my test print. A test is well, a print that is a test. Not an exam test thing though. By then EVERYONE (except me) was up to their over print. An over print is a print that has printed on top of another print. Sounds confusing but it's not.
I'm still not up to my over print.
Bye, for now.

Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Patterns of Behaviour (Part Two)

Did you know that you can change behaviour? One example of some behaviour changes is: Ok, imagine there's a cat. The cat really wants to go outside, so it climbs on the kitchen bench (because there's a window), and climbs up a fly screen. We watched a clip, and a vet had to come along and put an electric thing on the bench. When you touch it you get a small electric shock. On the fly screen he puts a sheet of plastic on it. In return he gives the cat (called Harry) a cat scratcher that is up high so the cat can see outside.  The vet altered the way the cat reacted - the screen meant the cat could no longer climb up the fly-screen, the electric sheet meant the cat didn't jump up on the bench anymore, and the cat scratcher still allowed the cat to see outside, but he was no longer damaging the people's furniture.

I have learnt that you can change behaviour.

Check out these videos. In them are some clips of some behaviour changes.



Tuesday, 11 June 2013


Yes, yes,yes. A green volcano. But it doesn't really matter what colour it is. Today for science we did about five dry ice experiments. One of them was about seeing water freeze on a spoon, another was making our own dry ice volcano like thing, and another one was to see what the difference was when you put dry ice in hot water and when you put dry ice in cold water. I'm not saying the rest.

My highlight of the science today was....
Getting to make my OWN dry ice volcano thing.

Today was funny and ICY!

Click on the video clip below to watch how to do the experiment with dry ice volcano thing.

Tuesday, 4 June 2013

The Art Gallery and the Lino Print

Why I like the birds: Because how it is all bright colours and I think it has a 3D effect.
Why I like the horses: Because a)  I LOVE HORSES. and b) The way the horses are leaning over looks as though it's a hot day and they need a rest.
Why I like the house: Because of the way the grass leads the way into the house. Also the house has an effect that makes it look 3D.

"Amazing, amazing. I wish I could do that", was the first thing I thought/said as I walked through the doors of an art gallery today.
"How can they do that?"  I thought again. We walked to the art gallery on Don Street because we needed to look at real artist's artwork. My three favourite ones ( as you can see up the top) are: the one with the horses, the one with the house, and the one with the birds.

The refreshing, cold breeze on the way back to Enrich wasn't very inviting. As soon as we got back we got ideas for our lino print. A lino print is basically just a big stamp. My one is going to be an owl. I picked an owl because I LOVE them!

Tuesday, 28 May 2013

How About a Healthy Snack?

'Hmmm'. Do you want a healthy snack? Well your not getting one from me. Why? Because I don't have a healthy snack. Well I sort of do. I've got one on a piece of paper. You wouldn't eat paper. Would you? OK now to what I'm supposed to be writing about. The rain poured down the windows of the Enrich building. Nice and snug inside it was Talent Development time. For Talent Development today we drew.......  I'm not telling. Read on to find out. As I was saying (typing) we had to draw something today. We drew a still life drawing of a........ healthy snack. And in that snack was: A red pepper, a green pepper, an onion, and two courgettes.

My Picture

I reckon it was hard to draw. I think that I am better at drawing man-made objects. The curvy lines are a bit of a struggle to draw.

By the way Hi Mum, and Dad.

Bye bye.

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

The Pit

The Pit is a problem solver. It is a way of learning confidence and new strategies for when you strike a bump in the road, like when your friends throw a hissy fit, or when you are worried about things. 

Tuesday, 14 May 2013

The Baby with a Top-Hat

You're probably all wondering why the title is "The Baby with a Top-hat". Well you'll just have to read to find out. For art today we had to finish off painting our apples that we started last week. I enjoyed this a lot. This is what mine looks like:

About it;
I had to tidy up the edges of the apple.
And to try to shape it better.
But before that we had to draw.......

THIS! The Baby with the Top-hat.

About it;
It is quite hard to get the eyes in the
correct position and the same with
the mouth. The main focus of this for
me was the mouth. But for me it is
easy to do the top-hat

Hope you enjoyed my blog.                                                                  

Tuesday, 7 May 2013

First day of Enrich term 2! Passion time.....

Today for passion time we had to paint an apple. I had already done this before so I had a bit of practice.

Things I Could've Done Better;
I could have shaped my apple better and painted it better so it wasn't scruffy.

The Best Part;
Was painting. (The whole thing was painting so I could've said the whole thing. )

What I Think.
It was fun. My apple turned into a rainbow.

Tuesday, 16 April 2013


'Oh no'. Should I risk it or should I still go with my plan. I thought. I took the risk. 'Few'. She wasn't going to do what I dreaded her to........ Oh no. She noticed. I was playing chess with my friend Lucy. I really didn't want her to beat me. "This is war'' I said. Tic toc, tic toc. Went the clock. That was good and not good. She might not beat me in those few more minutes we had or she would. She might want the chess game to be on reserve or not.  The loud music blared from the speaker. ' Finnaly' I personally thought. "Can we reserve it" Lucy said. "OK" but my head was filled with horrible thoughts like: she's gonna beat me, she will be above me in the chess leader board. But there was just one good thought and that was; I'm going to beat her. At lunch we went back to our game. All my pieces were getting wiped out. After a while the music turned on. Lucy asked me if you had taken more pieces than your opponent then you beat them. This is only if you haven't finished your game. I said no. She asked Katie and she said no as well. ' Yeah'. She didn't beat me. She better watch out for next time because..... well just because. 

See you next term.
Bye Bye

Tuesday, 9 April 2013


Blue and Yellow and Red. To start of this glorious blog post I would like to say Hello. For our passion time and Talent Development [please tell me that you know what it means] well we did some Art with Jenni since Darryn is away. We did some blending with the colours red, blue and yellow. The primary colours. We had a piece of paper and we had to go from the lightest of the colour you could get until you got to the darkest colour you could get. When you had done all the colours you could do you could paint an apple. I was the only one that got up to that.  That was all we did for art. 

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Passion Time/Talent Development

The big thing of the day was Passion Time and Talent Development.  Talent Development is when you work on your talent to improve it with a teacher and Passion Time is when you go off on your own and work on your passion to improve it. The options to do with a teacher are: MADE Awards - with Katie, Performance based - with Nicola, and Art - with Darryn. I went into art because I LOVE it. We started at the beggining and mixed the three primary colours [red, blue and yellow] to make different colours and tones of colours. We are aiming to hold an art exibition at an art gallery.  There will be heaps of different types of artwork.

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

This one is the wall                     This one is a spider web

in front of the play                       in a bush. I think this is                          

centre. I think this                        a pattern of survivability.

a pattern of strength.

Yeah. It's finally time. We were going on a field trip to Queens park and the Museum. I LOVE the museum and the park. We were going there because our Concept Curriculum is patterns. We were going to look for patterns in the outside world. Outside Enrich, I mean. Also we went there to learn about patterns. I learnt the difference between man-made or natural patterns. We got put into groups. I was with Katie. It was a lloonngg walk to the Museum. On the way the first pattern that I noticed was the parking metres. They are a pattern of order and time. I never knew that tooth picks were a pattern but they are if you think about it. By the time we got to the Museum I was all patterned out even though we hadn't even started the actual trip. There are so many pictures like the one up the top of the fence of the playcentre. And also the one up the top again of the spider web in the bushes.

Thank you Dad and the rest of the parent helpers for coming along and helping us.

Tuesday, 19 March 2013


Mmmm tasters so yum [stop it Madison keep to the schedule] "Sorry Miss Bossy Boots." "Oh sorry myself." Back to the subject or maybe a different one? Well today we did some talent development tasters they were: art, maths and music. 
I chose maths because I hadn't done it. The sort of maths we did was probability. In other words "guesstamating" which is when you guess and estimate. We did it with a box of chocolates- yum. Anyway we wrote down what sort of chocolate it was and under it we put how many chocolates of that sort there were, and then worked out how much of a percent out of 100 it was. This is what it looks like;

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Caine's arcade

We watched a video clip on YouTube about a 9 year old boy called Caine who made a games arcade out of cardboard boxes. It all started off we he went to a real games arcade and won a little basket ball hoop so he then got the idea of making his own games arcade. He started of by making one game then it got bigger bigger and bigger. By which, I mean that he made more and more games. At his Dad's shop, he took over the whole front of it and put his games in it. He made game passes. If you paid 2$ you got a fun pass and got 500 turns on any game. How cool is that? Anyway, his first customer was someone that needed to buy a door handle so he went to George's shop.[Caine's dad], and saw the game's arcade. He bought a fun pass. On Facebook he told all he friends that a 9 year old boy had made his own game's arcade. Next thing, Caine's Dad took Caine to a real games arcade and by the time they got back to the shop, there were lots of people there waiting and cheering ready to play his arcade games! When Caine got back he was very surrprised and happy. To watch the clip go to youtube and type in Caine's arcade.

Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Yum! Notes

I'm not talking about notes being 'yum' here. I'm talking about apples here. OK you think I'M crazy. A teacher called Nicola used apples for music notes. I'll explain later. Today we did some activities around the classroom. If you don't understand here's a little simpler explanation: everyone got into groups and went of with a teacher. The groups were; fractals, survivability and music [the one I'm in]. These are all patterns related workshops.Now the thing you've all been waiting for [ well not really, but anyway] Nicola showed us some music notes and put the correct size apples ontop. For example; a whole note gets a whole apple, a half note gets half an apple etc. That's all for today oh woopsie one more thing;

Tuesday, 19 February 2013


Hi everyone. Today was fun as usual. But somehow it was better that other times. First we started of with a game of Picadilly Circus. After that we learnt about patterns. After morning tea we did a poem called I am. It has questions like I value, I fear and other things like that. Now we are dong our blog post. 

How to play Picadilly circus, First of all every one forms into a circle and someone holds a ball. You have to pass the ball to someone but they can not be directly beside you. Once you have had all the balls you sit down. You are not allowed to talk, drop the ball or have the same ball twice. Once everyone has had the balls the last people with them put them in the middle of the circle and sit down.

Our rebus are:

often often      
 not  not
