Tuesday, 16 April 2013


'Oh no'. Should I risk it or should I still go with my plan. I thought. I took the risk. 'Few'. She wasn't going to do what I dreaded her to........ Oh no. She noticed. I was playing chess with my friend Lucy. I really didn't want her to beat me. "This is war'' I said. Tic toc, tic toc. Went the clock. That was good and not good. She might not beat me in those few more minutes we had or she would. She might want the chess game to be on reserve or not.  The loud music blared from the speaker. ' Finnaly' I personally thought. "Can we reserve it" Lucy said. "OK" but my head was filled with horrible thoughts like: she's gonna beat me, she will be above me in the chess leader board. But there was just one good thought and that was; I'm going to beat her. At lunch we went back to our game. All my pieces were getting wiped out. After a while the music turned on. Lucy asked me if you had taken more pieces than your opponent then you beat them. This is only if you haven't finished your game. I said no. She asked Katie and she said no as well. ' Yeah'. She didn't beat me. She better watch out for next time because..... well just because. 

See you next term.
Bye Bye

Tuesday, 9 April 2013


Blue and Yellow and Red. To start of this glorious blog post I would like to say Hello. For our passion time and Talent Development [please tell me that you know what it means] well we did some Art with Jenni since Darryn is away. We did some blending with the colours red, blue and yellow. The primary colours. We had a piece of paper and we had to go from the lightest of the colour you could get until you got to the darkest colour you could get. When you had done all the colours you could do you could paint an apple. I was the only one that got up to that.  That was all we did for art. 

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Passion Time/Talent Development

The big thing of the day was Passion Time and Talent Development.  Talent Development is when you work on your talent to improve it with a teacher and Passion Time is when you go off on your own and work on your passion to improve it. The options to do with a teacher are: MADE Awards - with Katie, Performance based - with Nicola, and Art - with Darryn. I went into art because I LOVE it. We started at the beggining and mixed the three primary colours [red, blue and yellow] to make different colours and tones of colours. We are aiming to hold an art exibition at an art gallery.  There will be heaps of different types of artwork.