Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Yay it's finished

Today I presented my gifted study. Leonardo Da Vinci. "YAY!"

At Enrich we had to choose a gifted person and do lots of research on them. We had to include information like when they were born, how they're gifted and a model of giftedness. A model of giftedness is like Renzulli's model of giftedness.
We had to explain how they had creativity, task commitment and above average ability.
It shows how they are gifted.

After morning tea we did talent development/passion time. I helped Norton on the potters wheel.


Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Big Bird Lover

Writing 201
This afternoon I am going to be doing Writing 201. Writing 201 is very advanced writing.

The kids at Enrich are in groups: Writing 201 (with Nicola), Maths/Art (with Darryn) and Science/Chemistry with (Katie/Jenni).

I am looking forward to Writing 201 because I LOVE writing. I like to make up stories and stuff.


'Yay'. I have finally finished my Affective. (My Gifted Person). 

Did you know?

  • Leonardo was a very big bird lover that he bought a  lot of cages of parrots, sparrow etc. so that he could free them.

He was left handed and due to his disability to read and write words properly, many of his good paintings left unfinished.

Can YOU figure out why this blog post is called Big Bird Lover?

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

First time on the Potter's Wheel

When I walked into the door to Enrich, Katie said "Are you excited about the clay today Madison?". And I said "Yes". I had NO idea what she was talking about.

When it was time to do affective, Katie told everyone but the clay kids: Briana, Samantha and I, to start on their Affective. I remembered that Marie (the person that was coming to Enrich to teach the clay kids stuff on the wheel) was coming in.

When we went over to the shed, I was wondering what a potter's wheel looked like. I thought it was a big black like plate on top of a spinning cylinder. But no, it didn't look anything like that.

While Marie was making a bowl, she talked us through it. She told us all the tips and steps.
Of course we all wanted a turn on the wheel first, so Marie made us pull a number out of the hat. I was number three, which meant I had to go last.

When I hopped onto the wheel I had to make it spin flat out and throw the little ball of clay into the middle of the spinning plate shaped thing. After that, I had to make the piece of clay turn into a tall cone. To do this I had to hold my hands together like a tunnel and move them up around the clay slowly. At first I wasn't really good at it but now I've got the hang of that. Next we had to push the clay down until it looks like a ball of clay with an almost flat surface, while the wheel was spinning. It sounds like it's really easy, when really it's not.

After a couple more steps I was up to the fun part, shaping the clay into the shape of a bowl. To do this I had to get a little sponge, hold my right hand on the outside of the clay, and with my other hand on the inside of the clay bowl I pushed the sponge outwards.

I was finally finished. After I'd finished my first one I made a second one.

I like pottering on the Potters Wheel. It's fun.