No bare feet, being made to wear our sun hats and having to sit down ad eat for ten minutes. You guessed it, they're just some of my school's school rules.
With Jenni (one of the Enrich teachers) we had to make some new AGREEABLE school rules. (or changes)
Here are my school rules (or changes):
1. You are allowed to take off your socks and shoes outside. (But you have to ask a teacher first)
2. The school years are;
Juniors - Yr 1 and Yr 2
Middles - Yr 3 and Yr 4
Seniors - Yr 5 and Yr 6
3. You don't HAVE to wear a sunhat on hot days.
4. You don't have to sit down and eat your lunch for ten minutes, you can carry it around with you or if you're not hungry you don't have to at anything at all.
5. The teachers vote for who would be in the school's Student Council ( NOT the Yr 5's)
And more!
Personally I think I would be a good Principle because I know what the kids want and what changes they would like.
Thanks for reading my blog. I hope you learnt something new about my day.
Hi! My name is Madison and I go to Enrich on a Monday. At Enrich we have 4 Domains. They are: Conceptual Development, Mental Edge, Talent Development and Personal Development. These things help us learn and find out more things about us. Something I like about Enrich is that there's Passion Time. Passion Time is when you get a time to work on your Passion. My Passion is art and since there are lots of art things at Enrich, I get lots out of it.
Sunday, 30 March 2014
Sunday, 16 March 2014
Pictures that come to life!
The most enjoyable thing I have done today would have to be the rotations.
Here are the rotations
Rotations: Round 1
Aurasma. What kind of crazy thing is Aurasma? Well me, the amazing Madison will tell you!!!!
Aurasma is a really cool app that makes pictures come to life!
In our partners we had to create our own Aura (Aura is one of the pictures that comes to life).
What you is follow these steps down below
Lucy (my partner) and I made an Aura based on an interview. The interview was all about Enrich. The questions were like:
"What are your favourite things to here at Enrich?" Or "what are the top three new things that you've learnt since coming to Enrich?"

Rotation: Round 2
Lorde - the 11 scholarly habits
There I go again, saying something that some people will have absolutely no clue what so ever about it!
The Scholarly Habits are some things that Scholars (which includes all the Enrich kids) do either everyday like a daily routine or things that they have to try hard to succeed.
Here are some examples:
Excellence - Scholars take pride in their work and seek excellence in their finished products.
Ponder Ideas - Scholars take the time to think about what they are learning.
We learnt how Lorde (a famous 16 year old singer) has used all of the 11 Scholarly Habits.
How she stuck to her singer and writing her own songs.
There. I'm finished. Thank you for reading my blog post. I hope you have learnt more about Aurasma and The 11 Scholarly Habits.
Sunday, 9 March 2014
The Interview!
Today we had to write out 10 questions. They had to be descriptive and open.
Incase you don't know what an open question is an open question is when you have to answer in a sentence. An example of an open question would be:
If you had to eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be and why?
A closed question would be something like:
Do you like chicken?
So if you answer a closed question it would only be one word.
After we wrote out the ten open questions we had to interview someone with them.
I had to interview someone called Brianna.
My ten questions were.
Madison’s Interview with Brianna!
Was there ever a time that you were so excited that you were scared? If yes when was it?
“ Yes, at the Aerobics competition”
How would your life be different if you weren’t afraid of heights?
“ I would be able to jump of the highest diving board at Splash Palace”
If you had to eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be a and why?
“Hot dogs and chips because they’re my favourite food”
If you had one question that could be answered truthfully, what would it be and why?
“ If pluto was a real planet or not”
How are you like a shredded piece of paper in a rubbish bin?
“ Sometimes I don’t have any friends and I feel left out”
If one of your dreams could come true, what would it be and why?
“ Going to California and living there. I would want to go there because Disney World’s there and California’s a really cool place”.
If you could become best friends with someone from the past, who would it be and why?
“ Albert Eistein because he’s really smart”
What is your best subject at school, and how?
“Spelling because I can spell some hard words that I use in my writing”.
What is your favourite sport out of: Netball, Soccor or Rugby?
“ Rugby, because I can’t shoot goals in Netball and I used to play Soccor and I just don’t like it”
What do you think your worst subject at school is and why?
“ Handwriting because I’m really messy”
So today I have learnt the difference between an open question and a closed question.
I also learnt more about Brianna!!!!!
See you next time!!!!!!!
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