The most enjoyable thing I have done today would have to be the rotations.
Here are the rotations
Rotations: Round 1
Aurasma. What kind of crazy thing is Aurasma? Well me, the amazing Madison will tell you!!!!
Aurasma is a really cool app that makes pictures come to life!
In our partners we had to create our own Aura (Aura is one of the pictures that comes to life).
What you is follow these steps down below
Lucy (my partner) and I made an Aura based on an interview. The interview was all about Enrich. The questions were like:
"What are your favourite things to here at Enrich?" Or "what are the top three new things that you've learnt since coming to Enrich?"

Rotation: Round 2
Lorde - the 11 scholarly habits
There I go again, saying something that some people will have absolutely no clue what so ever about it!
The Scholarly Habits are some things that Scholars (which includes all the Enrich kids) do either everyday like a daily routine or things that they have to try hard to succeed.
Here are some examples:
Excellence - Scholars take pride in their work and seek excellence in their finished products.
Ponder Ideas - Scholars take the time to think about what they are learning.
We learnt how Lorde (a famous 16 year old singer) has used all of the 11 Scholarly Habits.
How she stuck to her singer and writing her own songs.
There. I'm finished. Thank you for reading my blog post. I hope you have learnt more about Aurasma and The 11 Scholarly Habits.
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