Sunday, 18 May 2014

Finally I won

"Checkmate! I won!" I said to Lucy. We were playing chess as I had blocked her with my Queen and my Rook. She couldn't move anywhere other wise she would be in check, and she only had her King left on the board and I had my: King, Queen, Rooks, Bishops, one of my Knights and most of my pawns. I had finally won against my friend.
On my first year of Enrich I was really good. I kept on beating her until, one day she either got really good, or I just got really bad. I'm not so sure. Hopefully I'll beat the next person that I play next week.

Today I finished my last round of Personal Development. In case you don't know what Personal Development is, it is when you find out more about yourself. My group went to the session Over excitabilities with Paul. We learnt about some things that we did when we were excited. I found out that some people started to get competitive (me), someone said that they start to spin around while standing up and some other people said that they start to talk non stop!

Well that was my day today. I hope you liked my blog.

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