Sunday, 9 November 2014

Splatter Art!

Splatter Art!

Do you know what splatter art is? The name 'splatter art' gives it away. Splatter Art is when you create a piece of artwork by splattering paint on it. The effect is absolutely amazing!

I looked at some of the artwork that other students at Enrich have created. The effects from the splatters is 3-d. And as I said before, it looks really cool.

The steps to.... Splatter Art!
1. Pick the colours for your background and make enough of it to cover your whole piece of paper (I picked purple for mine).
2. Paint your background. Make sure that the paint is all even.
3. Pick your splatter colours. (The colours I chose were rose red and light blue). Splatter them all over your page by using any technique you want.

For art today we didn't really do splatter art. For the first couple of steps we did, but next week we are going to paint flowers on our piece of paper.

This is me wiping truck loads of paint off my painting because I put way too much on.

This is me splattering my painting with my two colours:

  • Rose-red 
  • Light Blue

Sunday, 2 November 2014

The World has Changed .........

When you think about it, the world has changed A LOT since the 'ancient' days. (By ancient I mean back when were great-grandparents were around).

For P4C today, we had to make a list of how much the world has changed. 
Here's my list:

  • Currency - money
  • Food
  • Technology
  • Clothes 
  • Washing - nowadays we have washing machines, and dryers.
Thanks for reading my blog!
Bye! See you next week!

Sunday, 19 October 2014

Last term I had to present a three minute presentation to a small group of my classmates. When I had finished I was relieved and glad that it was all over and done with and that I didn't have to do it this term.

My goals for term 4:
My goals this term would be to organize my time better and contribute more to class activities.

This week was the last week of Passion Projects, so I had to finish my mug and plates. To paint my mug I used a sponge  to give it texture and effects.

See you next week!!

Sunday, 7 September 2014

Poor Unicorn

Guess what, last week I smashed my amazing unicorn cup. Wasn't that a bit silly. But when I was painting it and smoothing it off, it fell apart. So I squashed it up into tiny little pieces and made it into paper clay. Paper clay is clay mixed in with paper. It is used to stick things back together again if they broke. Too bad my unicorn broke into too many pieces that I could stick them back together again.

Sunday, 24 August 2014

Unicorn on the run!

Welcome everybody to Enrich@ILT News. Today there has been an outrageous rumor going around. (I personally think that the rumor is true). The rumor is....
There is a unicorn on the run!

Hi everybody. I'm Madison, and yes, I do believe that there is a unicorn on the run. 
Today for passion time, I continued making my mug. Last week I made; the base of the cup, the horn (you probably think I'm weird putting a horn on a mug) and the handle (like all mugs have). This week I had to smooth of the rim of the mug so that I would be able to drink from it, and paint it. 

Oh, sorry, I forgot to tell you what I'm making. I am making a UNICORN!! See what I mean about there's a unicorn on the run? The unicorn's face colour is maude, it's nose is purple, it's mouth is red and it's eyes are purple and the handle colour is maude.
I had to add some paper clay to it because the horn was falling off and a big piece of clay fell off.

In the end I thought it looked pretty cool.

Bye! See you next week!

Sunday, 10 August 2014

What do YOU think will happen in 1000 years?

Today for the Newspaper at Enrich@ILT I started writing an article about 'What do YOU think will happen in the next 1000 years?' 
Next week I am going to interview some people and put their answers in the Enrich@ILT 2014 edition NEWSPAPER!

I think...
In 1000 years I think that there will be lots of new inventions. Somebody would have probably invented an invincible pill! Too bad I won't be around to take one. I also think that there will be a lot more electronic devices. 

Nobody would care about school. All of the schools would get vandalized and broken. The people that do care about school would probably get home schooled. There might be a really big meteor that will hit the earth so fast that all of the humans and animals will go extinct! (Hopefully that won't happen).

Comment below what YOU think will happen in the next 1000 years and your answers might get put in to the Enrich@ILT 2014 edition Newspaper!

Bye! See you next week! Hopefully I get some answers to 'What do YOU think will happen in the next 1000 years?'

Sunday, 3 August 2014

Minnie Dean

She took babies into her care and then killed them when nobody was around. She got hung at the Invercargill Gaol. She married Charles Dean and they had six kids together.
That's right, she's Minnie Dean!

Minnie Dean was the first (and hopefully the last) person to be hung in New Zealand. She was hung for the murder of three babies (there were two more but the police weren't sure if they had died of a disease that couldn't be cured, or if Minnie Dean had killed them).

Minnie Dean was born in 1847 and hung in 1895. She emigrated to New Zealand in 1868 and then got married to Charles Dean.

Before Minnie Dean moved to New Zealand she had two kids. They were girls and nobody ever found out who the dad was. Also, nobody ever found out what happened to Minnie's two girls.

For our newspaper today we had to write out one of our articles. I did......
I must admit, it's quite interesting finding out about a criminal.

BYE! See you next week!

Sunday, 27 July 2014

We were stealing!

Today we went around the library "stealing" things. Things like handbags, phones and wallets. No we weren't, I was just kidding. We went to the library to "steal" ideas from the library's newspapers for our Enrich@ILT newspaper 2014 edition!!

Before we left we were given a notebook and a pen. Either red, or blue. I picked blue. We headed off on the long walk (it wasn't too long, but it felt like ages)!

When we got to the library we went up the escalators and into a little room at the top of the library. Nicola said it was called the Reference Section. There were newspapers from all over the country, and special desks and tables to read them from. We were supposed to get heaps and heaps of ideas but I only got three. This was because I picked a few dud newspapers, and the newspapers kept getting stuck in the special holders.

At least I've got some ideas. Nicola told us that the ideas had to be new, because the newspaper will be published in about 8 weeks.

I'm really looking forward to next week because we're going to start writing our articles then!
Bye, see you next week!

Sunday, 20 July 2014


I bet you'd like to know how to cope with stress? Today Nicola was teaching us how to cope with stress. I know what it's like to be really stressed,  and it is awful when you don't know what to do about it, so I was glad that she was teaching us about it. Nicola read out some ideas that would help us to get rid of stress.
1. Get some exercise.
2. Eat healthy. Don't eat junky food.
3. Have some quiet time. Shut yourself up into your room and just relax.

After she told us this, she put on some relaxing music, and gave us a piece of paper to doodle on.

And, in other news from today.......
I crossed my fingers, I even crossed my toes. I really wanted to get in. At Enrich@ILT we have a newspaper, and Nicola was handing out invites to join the newspaper staff. I heard my name and all of a sudden I was relieved. I really like writing so I was really glad that I got in.

Bye! See you next week.

Sunday, 29 June 2014

Oh no! There won't be enough room for the blue and purple! It won't be a rainbow now!

Today we had to write a goal for the term. Sounds boring right? It makes it sound like we don't do anything here at Enrich ILT. Every two terms we have to make a goal. Last term my goal was:
To complete an open ending project.
I have absolutely no idea of what that means. So this term I changed it and put:
To complete a usable dinner set.

We each got a card person (a girl if you're a girl and a boy if you're a boy) and wrote our goal on the back of it. We got to decorate the front of it. We had to decorate it with felt tip pens. The girl cards had dresses on them. I never wear dresses so I didn't know what to decorate it like. In the end I decided to make it RAINBOW!!

That's the end of term 2 for now!

Bye! See you next term!

Sunday, 15 June 2014

Gifted what week?

Milo and delicious red velvet cupcakes with mountains of sweet flavored icing! Gifted awareness week must be pretty special. For those who don't know what Gifted Awareness Week is, the meaning is pretty much in the name. You show awareness for Gifted people.

People refer Gifted Awareness week to a tall poppy. They do this because a tall poppy stands out from a normal short poppy. If we use an example about people, Gifted people stand out from others because they show an area of strength.

Bye, see you next week!!!

Sunday, 25 May 2014

Eleventh on the chess leader board!!

"Madison" said Paul. He was calling out the names for chess. When your name gets called out you have to pick someone to play a game of chess with. I decided to play someone from the top so I could get a chance to get into the top six. The top six get to go to a chess competition, and I really want to go.

I decided to play Natasha. She was eleventh from the top.
After a couple of moves, Natasha said check. "Oh no!" I thought to myself silently. I can't loose this! After another couple of moves I had taken a couple of Natasha's really important pieces like: her queen, both of her rooks and one of her bishops. Natasha kept on getting me in check, so I decided to try a different plan since my old one wasn't working very well. It worked! My new plan got Natasha into checkmate! It felt like a big boulder had just been lifted off my back!

Hopefully the next person that I play will be easier to beat!

Bye see you next time!
(P.S. Dad, I am going to play you when I get home!).

Sunday, 18 May 2014

Finally I won

"Checkmate! I won!" I said to Lucy. We were playing chess as I had blocked her with my Queen and my Rook. She couldn't move anywhere other wise she would be in check, and she only had her King left on the board and I had my: King, Queen, Rooks, Bishops, one of my Knights and most of my pawns. I had finally won against my friend.
On my first year of Enrich I was really good. I kept on beating her until, one day she either got really good, or I just got really bad. I'm not so sure. Hopefully I'll beat the next person that I play next week.

Today I finished my last round of Personal Development. In case you don't know what Personal Development is, it is when you find out more about yourself. My group went to the session Over excitabilities with Paul. We learnt about some things that we did when we were excited. I found out that some people started to get competitive (me), someone said that they start to spin around while standing up and some other people said that they start to talk non stop!

Well that was my day today. I hope you liked my blog.

Sunday, 11 May 2014

Hi again! Sorry I didn't post last week. It was just too busy. The whole day was action-packed!

This morning we had our second round of Personal Development. Personal Development is when you learn more about yourself or something that you should know about. For example last week we had to be split into groups. Once everybody had been put into different groups, we went off to our different stations. My group went to Katie, who was teaching us more about Renzulli's and Gagne's models of Giftedness.

Renzulli's Model of Giftedness

Renzulli's Model of Giftedness is the easy one. It's not as meaty as Gagne's. Here is Renzulli's model of Giftedness.

See what I mean when I said it's easy to understand?
Renzulli thinks that you need:
  • Above average Ability
  • Task Commitment
  • and Creativity
to be gifted. Katie said that this model is more aimed at adults then kids, because we are developing these skills as we get older.

Gagne's Model of Giftedness

Gagne's model of giftedness is more specific than Renzulli's, because Renzulli's just has three big ideas when Gagne's has lots of small parts that when put together means that you're gifted. Here is Gagne's Model of Giftedness.

See what I mean by Gagne's is meaty? Katie taught us that when you understand what you are reading then it's not so meaty and hard to understand. But I still think it looks confusing.

See you next week! (hopefully)

Sunday, 13 April 2014

NO! It can't be!

No, it can't be. It can't already be the holidays. The term has gone by so quickly, probably because I enjoyed most of the learning that we have done this term.

Hi. As you may not know, this is my last day of Enrich. For the term. You might think I'm overacting a little bit. But I can't help it. I absolutely LOVE Enrich.

This morning we have been talking about our learning styles. There are three MAIN learning styles.

  • Visual
  • Auditory
  • and Kinesthetic
Last year we had a test to see what our MAIN learning style was. My MAIN learning style was Visual. Which makes sense because I'm the kind of person that was told to do something they need to see it. To get an idea of what they are doing.

Kinesthetic means that you're very hands on. You love to move. You would rather act out a play then read a book.

And Auditory means that you like to listen to people. You like to listen to speeches and talks like that.

Bye! See you next term!

Sunday, 30 March 2014

Finally some new school rules!!!

No bare feet, being made to wear our sun hats and having to sit down ad eat for ten minutes. You guessed it, they're just some of my school's school rules.

With Jenni (one of the Enrich teachers) we had to make some new AGREEABLE school rules. (or changes)
Here are my school rules (or changes):

1. You are allowed to take off your socks and shoes outside. (But you have to ask a teacher first)
2. The school years are;

Juniors - Yr 1 and Yr 2
Middles - Yr 3 and Yr 4
Seniors - Yr 5 and Yr 6

3. You don't HAVE to wear a sunhat on hot days.
4. You don't have to sit down and eat your lunch for ten minutes, you can carry it around with you or if you're not hungry you don't have to at anything at all.
5. The teachers vote for who would be in the school's Student Council ( NOT the Yr 5's)
And more!

Personally I think I would be a good Principle because I know what the kids want and what changes they would like.
Thanks for reading my blog. I hope you learnt something new about my day.


Sunday, 16 March 2014

Pictures that come to life!

The most enjoyable thing I have done today would have to be the rotations.

Here are the rotations

Rotations: Round 1

Aurasma. What kind of crazy thing is Aurasma? Well me, the amazing Madison will tell you!!!!
Aurasma is a really cool app that makes pictures come to life!

In our partners we had to create our own Aura (Aura is one of the pictures that comes to life).
What you is follow these steps down below

Lucy (my partner) and I made an Aura based on an interview. The interview was all about Enrich. The questions were like:
"What are your favourite things to here at Enrich?" Or "what are the top three new things that you've learnt since coming to Enrich?"
Aurasma is a really cool app and it's great for presentations.

Rotation: Round 2
Lorde - the 11 scholarly habits

There I go again, saying something that some people will have absolutely no clue what so ever about it!
The Scholarly Habits are some things that Scholars (which includes all the Enrich kids) do either everyday like a daily routine or things that they have to try hard to succeed.
Here are some examples:

Excellence - Scholars take pride in their work and seek excellence in their finished products.

Ponder Ideas - Scholars take the time to think about what they are learning.

We learnt how Lorde (a famous 16 year old singer) has used all of the 11 Scholarly Habits.
How she stuck to her singer and writing her own songs.

There. I'm finished. Thank you for reading my blog post. I hope you have learnt more about Aurasma and The 11 Scholarly Habits.

Sunday, 9 March 2014

The Interview!


Today we had to write out 10 questions. They had to be descriptive and open. 
Incase you don't know what an open question is an open question is when you  have to answer in a sentence. An example of an open question would be:
If you had to eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be and why?
A closed question would be something like:
Do you like chicken?
So if you answer a closed question it would only be one word.

After we wrote out the ten open questions we had to interview someone with them.
I had to interview someone called Brianna.

My ten questions were.

Madison’s Interview with Brianna!

Was there ever a time that you were so excited that you were scared? If yes when was it?
“ Yes, at the Aerobics competition”

How would your life be different if you weren’t afraid of heights?
“ I would be able to jump of the highest diving board at Splash Palace”

If you had to eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be a and why?
“Hot dogs and chips because they’re my favourite food”

If you had one question that could be answered truthfully, what would it be and why?
“ If pluto was a real planet or not”

How are you like a shredded piece of paper in a rubbish bin?
“ Sometimes I don’t have any friends and I feel left out”

If one of your dreams could come true, what would it be and why?
“ Going to California and living there. I would want to go there because Disney World’s there and California’s a really cool place”.

If you could become best friends with someone from the past, who would it be and why?
“ Albert Eistein because he’s really smart”

What is your best subject at school, and how?
“Spelling because I can spell some hard words that I use in my writing”.

What is your favourite sport out of: Netball, Soccor or Rugby?
“ Rugby, because I can’t shoot goals in Netball and I used to play Soccor and I just don’t like it”

What do you think your worst subject at school is and why?
“ Handwriting because I’m really messy”

So today I have learnt the difference between an open question and a closed question.
I also learnt more about Brianna!!!!!

See you next time!!!!!!!

Sunday, 23 February 2014

The Spider

As you should know this is my first blog post of the year. So it may be different!

In the morning everyone was split into groups (I was in Nicola's group), and we went with the teacher that we were chosen to go to.

After we got there, we started talking about giftedness, and started to put people into boxes that meant if they were: Gifted, Could be Gifted and Not Gifted. Nicola gave us some statements like:
If someone at school was a distraction to others and misbehaves, but can answer a really hard mathematical question in a matter of seconds, were they gifted?

When Nicola asked me what the answer was to the question, my answer was:

" There's a really big spider on you Nicola!". Nicola jumped up and shook the spider off her top and stomped on it!
Everybody started laughing. It looked HILARIOUS! When Nicola jumped up and yelled "ARRGH" you just couldn't help it!

This isn't the actual spider.